Melanoma Awareness Month
May is here at last! As we ease our way into the start of spring, there is lots to be excited about! Warm weather, sunny days, blooming flowers, and the nearing summer months just to name a few.
Let us not forget that with the approaching warmth comes those strong, harmful rays from the sun that we all dread. Even on cloudy days, it is important to remember that your skin is still getting exposed to the UV rays that can lead to skin cancer.
In light of melanoma awareness month this May, we want all of our beloved patients to remember the importance of protecting their skin. Skin cancer is on the rise, due to recent research, but thankfully there are things we can each do to lower our risk.
Refresh your knowledge on melanoma with the link here, and let’s all stock up on sunscreen this spring and summer!
Another post to come soon,
Dr Carter and staff